With this information card, you’ll be able to provide your audience with a straightforward and thorough overview of smokeless tobacco products. The handout begins by noting that while people have been smoking and snorting tobacco for centuries. Chewing tobacco did not reach its height of popularity in the United States until the late 1800s. The card outlines four major types of smokeless tobacco products: chewing tobacco, snuff, Snus, and dissolvable tobacco.
Smokeless tobacco use leads to a variety of problems. It causes hostility, irritability, depression, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, increased appetite, as well as weight gain.
Those who have been using smokeless tobacco for a long time put themselves at risk for multiple problems. Like stained and discolored teeth, cavities, tooth decay, tooth loss, gum disease, oral cancer, Leukoplakia, Esophageal cancer, heart disease, and Pancreatic cancer. 75% of oral cancers are due to tobacco use.
In conclusion, the handout encourages your audience to Quit the Spit! Quitting smokeless tobacco can be difficult, but it’s not impossible!
Our presentation cards are the perfect companion pieces to the matching presentation displays. Great as a leave behind to reemphasize all the information discussed on the presentation display. As a stand alone piece it’s a pocket sized infographic with bold graphics and detailed information. A great addition to any presentation!
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If you like this information card, then check out more of our Smokeless Tobacco Prevention materials here.
For more Tobacco Prevention Materials, click here.