In The Know: At Risk-Suicide DVD

  • Offers young people the facts on this very disconcerting problem
  • Includes the warning signs and repercussions of suicide
  • Provides teens with methods for suicide circumvention and prevention
  • Includes a curriculum guide
  • Age Level: 7th Grade – Adult
  • Runtime: 14 Minutes

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Empower Your Community with our In the Know: At Risk – Suicide Awareness DVD!

Teen suicide is a critical issue that demands awareness and effective prevention strategies. Our In the Know: Suicide DVD is your essential resource to equip your community with the knowledge and tools to identify at-risk teens and provide them with the support they need.

Why Our DVD Shines:

  1. Expert Guidance: Our video features expert insights, real-life stories, and practical information about teen suicide awareness and prevention. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the signs, risk factors, and how to intervene effectively.
  2. Interactive Learning: The engaging format of the DVD ensures that viewers remain captivated while absorbing crucial information. It’s perfect for classroom sessions, community awareness events, and workshops.
  3. Real-Life Relevance: This video empowers individuals with the skills to recognize the warning signs of teen suicide, initiate conversations, and connect at-risk teens with appropriate resources.
  4. Comprehensive Curriculum: Whether you’re an educator or a community leader, this DVD seamlessly integrates into your programs, enriching the lives of participants as they gain insights into teen suicide awareness and prevention.

If you like this dvd, then check out more of our Suicide Awareness Materials.

For streamable videos, visit Prevention Power TV.

In The Know: At Risk-Suicide

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Additional information

Weight 0.6 oz

14 Minutes

Grade Level

Adult, College, High School, Middle School


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