This full color poster explains the effects tobacco has on each organ in the body. With this poster, students learn about the harmful effects of smoking, chewing tobacco and secondhand smoke. They are shown how it endangers their mind and body, along with other information to help keep teens tobacco free. These posters can help you make an immediate visual impact in your community. In addition, they give your message a lot of exposure reaching many different types of people.
Each full color poster measures 11″ by 17″ featuring an attractive design that grabs and holds the reader’s attention. Against a photograph of a healthy, attractive young person, images of body organs and call outs describing tobacco related damage make a strong case for the Body of Evidence Series slogan. Make the Right Choice… Stay Away from Drugs! Posters are extremely useful decorations for high traffic areas so that you get your tobacco prevention message out there. So make an impact in your community today! Great for auditoriums, health departments, community centers, classrooms, hallways and even the exterior of schools. Definitely a great way to help enhance the success of your tobacco prevention campaign!
If you like this tobacco effects on the body poster, then check out more of our Tobacco Prevention Materials.
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